*Submit a feature request

Modificado el Dom, 15 Dic, 2024 a 6:48 P. M.

What is a Feature Request?

Got a bright idea to make our app even better? We love hearing your suggestions for enhancements. Your feedback helps us grow and improve together. Just remember, our Feature Request section is all about improvements, not bug reports or how-to questions. Thanks for helping us shape the future of Upwards!

How do I submit a Feature Request?

1. Go to the Submit a Ticket section of our support portal at https://help.upwards.com/en/support/tickets/new.


2. Fill out all the required fields and select "Feature Request" in the Ticket Type section.

3. Please provide a detailed description and reasoning behind your request. You can also attach additional information, such as videos or screenshots.

What else should I know?

• We're all ears for ideas that cater to many, solve various needs, and align with our vision. While we appreciate the attention to detail in requests for tweaks and visual enhancements, they might not always make it to the front of the line.

• Once you share your brilliant ideas with us, they become a part of the Upwards family. We might use them to improve our services, so thank you in advance! We're inundated with numerous feature requests, and unfortunately, not all of them can be implemented.

• We love feedback and appreciate the time you have taken to improve our platform. Thank you!

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